Door Sign BOM Part Value IC1 ATmega168-PU with socket JP1 4pin pinheader, angeled JP2 4pin pinheader, angeled JP3 4pin pinheader, angeled JP4 4pin pinheader, angeled JP5 Power connector Q1 16MHz ceramic resonator R1 220ohm resistor R2 220ohm resistor R3 220ohm resistor R4 220ohm resistor R5 100ohm resistor R6 100ohm resistor R7 100ohm resistor R8 100ohm resistor R9 100ohm resistor R10 100ohm resistor R11 100ohm resistor R12 100ohm resistor R13 1kohm resistor R14 1kohm resistor R15 1kohm resistor T1 BC547 T2 BC547 T3 BC547 * 100nF capacitor (should be connected between Vcc and GND close to IC1) 4 RGB LEDs (common catode) that should connect to JP1-JP4 (*) Missing in schematic