and use any of my projects or libraries, and would like to encourage further development you can donate through PayPal here:
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Links |
Hardware-related - Web-shops - eBay-stores - All others |
Arduino | THE source for Arduino-related information. | | Atmel | Manufacturer of the AVR microcontrollers. | | Maxim | Manufacturer of a large range of ICs and related items. Free samples. | | Microchip | Manufacturer of the PIC microcontrollers. Free samples. | | Pinguino | Pinguino is an easy-to-make Arduino-like board based on 8-bit or 32-bit Microchip PIC Microcontrollers with built-in USB module. | | Texas Instruments | Manufacturer of a large range of ICs and related items. Free samples. | |
I have personally ordered from all listed sites, and is very satisfied with both service and merchandise unless otherwise noted.
AquaLED Light | Designers and sellers of the Arduino Mega/chipKit Max32 Screwshield. Portuguese website. | | AquaLEDsource | Designers and sellers of the Arduino Mega/chipKit Max32 Screwshield. English website. | | Bitsbox.co.uk | Offer a wide selection of electronic components and kits. | | DealExtreme | Offer a wide selection of (hackable) electronic gadgets and parts. Based in Hong Kong. | | Futurlec | I can no longer recommend this store as their customer service has become appalling and they are selling used stock as new. Even the reshipment after I complained were used stock. | | ITead Studio | Home of the ITDB02 display modules :) Offer a wide selection of electronic components and kits. Based in China. | | NKC Electronics | Offer a wide selection of electronic components for the hobbyist. Great selection of Arduino-related material. | | Satistronics | Offer a vast range of merchandise produced exclusively by Chinese manufacturers such as trendy electronic components, partial consumer electronics etc. | | Seeed Studio | Offer a comprehensive range of electrical material, ranging from capacitor to dev. boards and many categories in-between. | |
I have personally ordered from all listed sites, and is very satisfied with both service and merchandise unless otherwise noted.
All others
Anunakin | Blog: A blog by Marcus Fazzi. Lots of interesting posts about Pinguino. Posts in English and Portuguese. Seems to be outdated. | | Hackinglab | Blog: A blog by Jean-Pierre Mandon. Lots of information about the Pinguino project. Posts in English. Seems to be outdated. | |
All listings are in alphabetical order. |