This library was originally made for the LCD WT-128x64 Graphic monochrome display modules. They were available without backlight from ITead Studio, or with or without backlight from ElecFreaks.
The LCD WT-128x64 Graphic (GPG12061YN3) is a 128x64 dot-matrix LCD module. It has a Yellow mode STN panel composed of 128 segments and 64 commons. The LCM can be easily accessed by microcontroller via parallel 6800 series interface.
When connected to a chipKit-board the Vcc should beconnected to 3.3v, and if you are using the backlit version you should connect LED to 3.3v as well.
Download: (Filesize is 634.49 KiB. Downloaded 10026 times)
Some demos showcasing most of the functions are included in the download. This is a multi-platform library that will work with several different development board types.
If you are upgrading from v1.0 to v2.0 you will need to modify the #include <CK_MGLCD.h> statement in your sketch to be #include <MGLCD.h> (Remove the CK_).