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Box Templates: Development Board Box
The boxes are made for dual-sided printing. If your printer does not support duplex printing you can still use these boxes by first printing page 1, flip the paper over, reinsert it into your printer, and the print page 2.
If you want plain, white boxes you can of course print only page 1.
All dimensions are specified in millimeters and the pdfs are designed for printing on A4 paper. Remember to disable scaling while printing.

 Development Board Box Box name: arduino_uno Filesize: 832.76 KiB Suitable for: Dev-boards with sizes up to Arduino Uno-size. Examples: Arduino 2009/Uno, LeafLabs Maple, Pinguino PIC32
Download: devboard_arduino_uno
 Development Board Box Box name: arduino_mega Filesize: 1736.88 KiB Suitable for: Dev-boards with sizes up to Arduino Mega-size. Examples: Arduino Mega, Fez Panda II
Download: devboard_arduino_mega

 Development Board Box Box name: arduino_nano Filesize: 434.95 KiB Suitable for: Dev-boards with sizes up to Arduino Nano-size. Examples: Arduino Nano
Download: devboard_arduino_nano
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