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Make font file (UTFT)
This tool can be used to convert images into the font formats required for my UTFT libraries for Arduino and chipKit.
Select the picture you want to convert, and select what type of font you are converting. Then click 'Make File' to upload and convert your file. |
Supported fileformats: | .png, .jpg and .gif |
Maximum filesize: | 300KB |
To count as background the color must be pure black (RGB: 0,0,0).
All other values will count as being foreground pixels.
All fonts MUST have a character width that is dividable by 8 (i.e. 8, 16, 24, ...).
A Full Font must be in the following format:
16 characters per line and 6 lines. The last character on the last line will be ignored.
A Numeric Font must be in the following format:
10 characters on a single line.
By using this converter you agree that your font may be made available to the general public.